Mittwoch, Januar 17, 2007


Wir waren beim Friseur!

Und wo bleiben die Glueckwuensche und Dankesreden?
Heute ist twintours ein Jahr alt geworden, Merlin vier und Max fuenf. Happy Birthday!

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

happy birthday max, merlin and twintours! many happy days to come. Wow the hurricane isnt too bad in Hamburg, but looks like there are many place not so lucky. I just saw a news bulletin of the Collon main train station with 1000s stranded and a furniture fair in town and no vacant rooms in the hotels. people stuck at the train station. lets hope it wont get worse and become better. my brother is flying in from the US stop over in Frankfurt arriving in HH at 11.30 am tomorrow.

crossed fingers,

Anonym hat gesagt…

This is a famous place! Just make sure to visit Collon!