Caesar hat seinen vierten Zahn heute nacht verloren. Gestern abend weinte er so sehr, denn der dumme Zahn verursachte ziemliche Schmerzen. Nun ist alles gut. Abgesehen davon, dass er ziemlich zahnlos aussieht. Aber wer achtet auf die Zahnluecke bei den blauen Augen!!!
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btw. Halloween? I thought it was over!
But maybe this is what I should expect. Charlotte still has lost only her first tooth. The one next to it felt just a tad wiggly ever since the first fell out. but stays tidy.
Having been ill for so long, lying down all day I don't seem to get tired now. I almost feel fine.
Tomorrow Christian and Mami are coming to dinner. Before they will check out the new office. Also Christian told me they will surprise us with a lobster in one of those plastic pipes. Maybe my salad likes the lobster meat.
Before I will stag up on the presents for his family in Virginia. The very lovely bracelets from Venice made of Murano glas are beautiful, but suddenly I feel it might not be enough.
OK, best I go to bed now!
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