Montag, April 09, 2007

Dr. Wackelzahn

Die naechsten beiden Zaehne wackeln auch schon. Ich weiss zwar noch nicht welche, aber ich befuerchte, dass ich es bald herausfinden werde. Was bin ich fuer eine Mutter, wenn ich mich vor Wackelzaehnen fuerchte?

1 Kommentar:

alisacat hat gesagt…

Ilayda and I are enjoyinng your blog together. We read it in German and then in English. she really likes the pictures.
we think the loose teeth are so exciting! Ilayda says, "If it bleeds you don't have to be afraid. Please tell us: Does th Tooth Fairy come to your house? What does she leave for you? Do you have a special tooth pillow?"
*a & I