Mittwoch, März 08, 2006

As Time Goes By

It's day 7 of the chickenpox story, and it's "The Day when we go back to Normal" - halfway! I'm still not okay. Since 3 weeks I feel dizzy (schwindelig). My ear specialist told me that my problem is a so called "Lagerungsschwindel". Something in my ear is not in the right position, but fortunately with some special excercises I can put it back in balance. But it takes time. So I have to relax and wait - which is not one of my favourites.

The last 6 days with the chickenpox I had David AND Caesar stay at home. It's better to have a playmate with you when you're sick. Both where really sweet, they helped me to clean up their room, they made their beds by themselves, which is not that easy, because there are more than a million plush animals and soft toys (Heiss, Hunger, Schatzi, and, neu.. Do you remember Alisa? Las Vegas, Little White Wedding Chapel, first row, right side?!), they played for hours with their Pirateships. But once in a while they came and asked for TV. And here it came to me, that they are not any longer my 4-year-old-babyboys. Why? Let me explain: TV for us most of the time is Disney-Movies like Winnie the Pooh, Alice, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Merlin & Mim, Robin Hood... All of the movies are nice, without dangerous scences Caesar & David love every one of the Movies. But not only those movies any longer. Now they ask for Power Ranger, Yo-Gi-Oh, Dragon Hunter... Uaaahh!!!

It's only 8 times going to sleep and they'll celebrate their 5th birthday, my tiny little babies.

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